All accidents and incidents, however trivial they may seem, should be reported to the CUED Safety Office at who can advise on next steps and ensure that the right people are notified. Investigations can follow and will be added to the initial on-line report.
If you think an incident falls under one of the RIDDOR reportable categories, advise the CUED Safety Office without delay. To comply with the law the University must report these to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) within a set time frame.
The University has introduced a new accident/incident reporting system. It is now an online system and paper forms (or scans/emails of the old forms) will no longer be accepted.
All members of the Department who wish to report an accident / incident, however major or minor, can do so by clicking on the 'AssessNet' logo as shown below (portal link) within the accident and incident page.
Once you have logged into the online reporting system, there are manuals, guidance and screen tours to assist you to complete reports.
All relevant information about the new reporting system can be found at: and a guidance note is at: Online Incident Reporting Guidance Notes
Submission of an incident via the portal will alert the Department Safety Officer (DSO)/other registered departmental users to complete any investigations, finalise and electronically ‘sign off’ the report for submission to the University Safety Office.