The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 aim to protect the health of people who work with DSE. The Regulations were introduced because DSE has become one of the most common kinds of work equipment.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is a device or equipment that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process involved; it includes both conventional display screens and those used in laptops, touch-screens and other similar devices.
Computer workstations or equipment can be associated with neck, shoulder, back or arm pain, as well as with fatigue and eyestrain. This can be avoided if you do the following:
- Set up your work station properly
- Avoid prolonged use.
- Ensure that you take regular breaks. Frequent short breaks are better than infrequent longer ones; 5–10 minute breaks every hour are better than 20 minutes every 2 hours.
Click here to see a copy of the University Work Station Assessment Form.
If you are a DSE user and you require any ergonomic aids such as keyboards or laptop risers then please contact your Divisional IT Support.