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Department of Engineering Health & Safety


Health and Safety Induction

It is the duty of your line manager, supervisor or host to ensure you have received information, guidance and instruction about the following local arrangements:

  • Fire exits, emergency procedures and assembly points.
  • Security arrangements, including appropriate access.
  • Specific hazards associated with the work.
  • Risk assessments and safe systems of work.

All new staff (permanent, temporary, part or full-time) and visitors (here for longer than a few days) should attend a Departmental Safety Induction. This will include an explanation of the Departmental Health and Safety Policy, specific instructions such as fire precautions and evacuation procedures, the location of first aid facilities, and other safety arrangements and advice that are relevant to the work of the new employee/visitor. This induction is undertaken by the Department Safety Officer and/or local Safety Representative and must be documented before commencing hazardous work, lone working or supervising others.

Email the Department's on Safety Office on, if you have not been contacted about a Safety Induction within seven days or if you have any other health and safety concerns.


The main University Safety Office provides a broad range of health and safety training courses. For more information about the courses on offer, please refer to the main University's Safety Training website.

Please note that while some training is open to anybody, some is restricted to specific safety roles.

Safety Role Holders

The University Safety Office has developed a Safety Training Matrix detailing the training that those responsible for or who are appointed to one or more safety roles either must or should complete.  The matrix indicates where refresher training is required and at what intervals.  Should you have any questions please contact the CUED Safety Office. 



Safety Office Contact Details



Inglis Building

Trumpington Street

Cambridge CB2 1PZ


Gary Steele

Department Safety Officer (DSO)

Departmental Fire Safety Manager (DFSM)

Tel: 01223 (3)32740


Steve Wickens

Department Safety Coordinator

Tel: 01223 (7)61455